Most of the Americans living paycheck to paycheck why ?


KEY points - 

  • Student loan debt
  • How to be free from it 

 For most of my life I wasn't very good with money. I made it and I spent it. 

The money came in and out and since nearly eight out of ten Americans live paycheck to paycheck.

I'm guessing that's something that you can relate to. As well after four years of college I left with a degree in mass communications and 97 thousand dollars in student loan debt.

Budget your money, paycheck

Where this money is going where Americans spending their money ?

Then I bought a brand new car. I told you I wasn't very good with money. There was something holding me back from even looking at my personal finances. It had become a joke. I owe him some money. 

What kind of money I had dug myself into a hole so deep it didn't even seem possible.

That I'd ever get out the crazy part of all that debt wasn't stopping me from spending after. 

I got the new car, I added a new TV, Computer and even a leather jacket to my running tab. That leather jacket was pretty cool though soon after college.

Though I came to the realization that I needed to make a change that I couldn't just pretend like. I wasn't in massive trouble. 

It was one of the most challenging things that I've ever done in my entire life. But over the course of 4 years I was able to pay off every single student loan even that car payment. And that's what I want to talk about today.

Money, our problems with it and how minimalism has helped me. There's a basic formula to win at personal finance and It's this.

Spend less than you make

 Spend less money than you make.

In practice though It's not that easy. Money seems to completely slip through our fingers no matter how much money we make. Our bank account seems to have a completely different agenda.

One of the reasons that we're bad with money is because the money is taboo. We can't even talk about it with coworkers, with family members. 

Without people feeling judged or downright Offended we can only improve, If we start to have honest conversations about money we need to remove our egos and actually try to learn.

You deserve not living paycheck to paycheck. We face pressure from social media. Keeping up with the Joneses or the Kardashians is a very real thing and if we're not Curating and mindful of our news feeds and our social media feeds it can be very tempting to want to keep up and have the things that everybody else has. Otherwise, we'll have the fear of missing out. 

But here's the thing: rich people are rich because they make smart decisions With their money, they don't go out and lease a brand new BMW, They don't rent an apartment that they can't afford.

The last type of pressure that we face is pressure from ourselves.

There's this thing called the myth of 'I don't have' and it's something that we tell ourselves to convince us that we need to go out and buy that thing.

So as a filmmaker, you might say I really want to make that film or that video but I don't have this lens or I don't have this camera so I can't do it or I can't go out for that run or that jog I can't start my new workout routine because I don't have that pair of sneakers.

But really the only thing that's doing is procrastinating us from getting started with our goals and our dreams, and It's convincing us that buying that extra thing is gonna solve everything which it won't. You need to make sacrifices.

When I graduated college Within 3 months I decided to move home with my parents and I lived in my parents basement, Literally in the basement for two years. I didn't date much, didn't spend much, I didn't go out much because I knew that I had to make some sacrifices to get to a point when I could start to take risks.

You have to be completely clear with why you're doing this in the first place. Financial freedom is when we truly understand why we don't want to be living paycheck to paycheck.

I'd love to hear about your success stories as well as a part of that conversation opening up the dialogue about money.

I think we should be encouraging each other and Really rewarding each other for making positive steps in our lives.

Try not to feel threatened or discouraged, if other people have a great success story. See it as Potential in yourself if somebody is able to get out of debt, That means that you probably can too. 

Small spending

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